If you’ve never had to get replacement windows in Roseville, CA before, you might not know that much about the process and that’s okay. Actually, most homeowners only have to go through the process once in their lifetime so if you never have before, you’re not alone. Most people go through it as first timers and the professionals are used to that. As you start to consider the process, you can ask whatever questions you have at any time. But the experts have compiled a list of frequently asked questions that can help you get started on the answers you need.
Is The Project Worth It?
There are a lot of things you can spend your money on. How do you decide what house projects are the most worth it? Replacement windows are definitely worth the effort and the investment. They aren’t going to waste your money. In fact, it’s money you’ll see again—and soon. First of all, your energy efficiency will go up in your home, which means your energy bills will go down. You can use that savings to pay yourself back for the process. Second, your home’s value will go way up so you are able to get more for your home in the future if you sell. You’ll be able to pay yourself back and it won’t be a problem at all. Plus, your home looks so much better and is so much more comfortable, it’s a better place to live overall.
When Should Windows Be Replaced?
As the homeowner, you get to decide when you want to replace your windows. But there are signs that will show you that it’s a good time to do that. When your energy bills are high, when the windows are leaking air, when the frames are rotting or other things are starting to fail, it’s a good idea to get new windows. The professionals can help you to decide when the time is right, but when you are ready, you should move forward.
How Often Does The Project Take Place?
When you put in new windows, it’s a big project and a big investment. You will want to ensure that you don’t have to take on the process again any time soon. As long as you get quality windows, you don’t have to worry about the project again for a few decades. You have a good 20 years or more before you have to think about more windows.

How Long Does Installation Take?
That will depend on how many windows you get and what changes, if any, you are making. You can count on the windows coming out and going in at a rate of about half an hour per window. You can do the math from there, but generally, it won’t take more than a day or two. If you want more details on how long replacement windows in Roseville, CA will take to install, you can get a more detailed estimate from the professionals at California Craftsman during your free consultation.