
Is A Picture Window The Right Move?


It’s exciting to look into replacement windows in Auburn, CA because you know once installation takes place, your home will have better efficiency than ever before. It’ll let in more natural light as well and it will look new and fresh inside and out. While you get the details together, you have to decide on more than frame material and color. You also have to decide if you want to make any small or large changes to the configuration of your windows. Perhaps there’s a bank of windows in one room that might make a nice picture window instead. Is that the right move for your house? Here are some instances where it might be:

There Are Other Windows For Ventilation

Perhaps you are hesitant about putting in a picture window because you like having windows open on a nice day and you know picture windows don’t open. Take a look at your room and analyze the full situation. The picture window would take up one wall, but are there windows along the other wall or walls? If so, there might already be plenty of ventilation in the space to cover you. Or, you could add some windows below or beside the picture window that operate so you get the best of both worlds. There are definitely ventilation options, even if you go with a picture window.

You Have A Great View

There are certainly a lot of stellar views in this area of the country and if you happen to have one outside your home, you want to take full advantage of it. Sure, it’s nice to go out on the deck and take in the view on a nice night, but what about when it’s hot or cold? If you have a picture window, you don’t have to let any temperature stop you from seeing what’s around your home. You can enjoy the view through that window at any time of the day or night.

Efficiency Is Key

New windows are going to be much more efficient than the windows you have on your home now, but there’s nothing more efficient than a picture window because it doesn’t have moving parts. If there’s a room in your house where you want extra efficiency, a picture window can only help with that process.

If you are considering putting in a picture window along with your other replacement windows in Auburn, CA, talk to the experts at California Craftsman by calling (530) 887-1857. We can talk to you about some options over the phone, but it’s nice when you invite us to your house for a free consultation so we can take a look at the space you have in mind in person and give you recommendations for what might work best. When you’re ready to look at options, our showroom is available for you as well. We’re located at 4035 Grass Valley Hwy Ste G Auburn, CA 95602 and we’d love to show you details on windows we carry.