
Replacement Windows Made Perfect For You


What’s wrong with your current windows? Are they the wrong color for the other updates on your home? Do they leak air or even water? Do they make you struggle when you try to open and close them? Older windows can have a whole host of issues and Penryn, CA replacement windows can take them all away. When you are looking into new windows, understand that any windows you find that you sort of like can be made perfect for you. Here’s how:

Customize The Color

When you look at windows in a showroom, you might see a lot of white, beige, and other standard color options. But the good news in the window industry is that you can have any color you want. Black is actually one of the most popular colors right now and it’s highly trendy since it contrasts with many light-colored homes. But you can get dark brown, gray, or any other color you want. The perfect, high-quality windows can become even more perfect when they come in the right color.

Heighten The Energy Efficiency

Standard windows come with double pane glass, which might be what you have right now. True, new windows will likely be more energy efficient than your older models, but you might want to do more towards energy efficiency than new windows in the same line. Instead of double pane glass, you can upgrade to triple pane glass and create windows that are even more efficient. Beyond that, you can put gas fillings between the panes to take things even further.

Block The UV Rays

Sometimes, living in California is great because of the beautiful sun that streams down most of the year. Other times, it’s too much. When you’re in your home, you might not want to feel the heat of the sun, but old windows allow it in unless you close the blinds. New windows, however, can come with low-E coatings, which blocks out the heat as well as the UV rays. No more fading furniture and no more blocking out natural light just to block out the heat.

Unique Shapes

Most of the windows in your home are going to be rectangles, but that doesn’t mean they all have to be. Maybe you want an octagon in the hallway or a square above the door. It can bring in more light in an otherwise dark area and allow you to add architectural interest to your home at the same time.

What do you want in your windows? Standard windows might not cut it, but you can get Penyrn, CA replacement windows customized to suit your needs. Contact California Craftsman at (530) 887-1857 to go over your options. Tell us just what you want, and we’ll find the perfect windows for your home’s needs. We can customize every detail and do some trial and error runs on options until you find just the right fit. Stop by and see some of our windows at 4035 Grass Valley Hwy Ste G Auburn, CA 95602.