Windows are a huge deal in any home. They allow in light, ventilation, and they protect a house from the outside elements. The right windows can also enhance curb appeal and give a home an overall sense of design. Their benefits are huge, but they can also cause a lot of problems, especially as they age. If you have any of the following issues with your older windows, Newcastle, CA replacement windowscan take care of the problems for you.
Issue 1: Drafts
One of the biggest complaints homeowners have about their windows as time goes by is that they are drafty. If you notice the curtains moving when the wind blows outside or when your air conditioner isn’t running, even if the window is shut—you have a draft. You might also notice a temperature change in the room as you move from one side to another. Sometimes, you might even feel the draft wafting across you as you try to relax on the couch. You can try replacing weather stripping and caulking around the window to see if that helps, but in the end, you probably need replacement windows to take care of the draft issues completely.
Issue 2: Water Leaks
Windows that leak air can also leak other things—like water. If you don’t take care of that issue as soon as possible, it can cause major issues. A little water on the frame doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it can lead to mold growth, which is really hard to remedy. If it’s leaking on the frame, it might be leaking between the walls as well and who knows where else. If you know the water is leaking because of broken glass, you might be able to replace the glass. You can also try removing and applying new caulking around the window. Overall, you know you can fix the problem without a doubt with replacement windows.
Issue 3: Inoperable Windows
Things happen to windows over time. Perhaps one or more window got painted shut or maybe one remains closed all the time because the mechanics don’t work anymore. Windows might also be warped, which makes them extremely hard to open and close. Not only does this limit your ventilation options, but it can be dangerous if you need the windows for a quick exit in an emergency. You might be able to repair broken hinges or cranks and you might be able to lubricate and clean a window to get it operating again. If not, replacement windows are the way to go.
If you notice any of these issues with your windows, you need Newcastle, CA replacement windows to completely rid yourself of the problem for good. If you’re not sure whether you need complete replacements or if repairs would suffice, call the experts at California Craftsman for a free in-home consultation. We want what’s best for your home and we won’t recommend replacement windows unless we truly believe it. Call us at (530) 887-1857 or stop by with questions at 4035 Grass Valley Hwy Ste G Auburn, CA 95602.