
The Elephant In The Room

Have you ever heard someone refer to ‘the elephant in the room’? It doesn’t mean an animal has escaped from the zoo and entered your house. No, it means that everyone is thinking about or looking at something in particular, but no one is talking about it, for whatever reason. When someone ‘addresses the elephant in the room,’ they don’t make elephant noises. They simply bring up the issue everyone else is already thinking about. So, what’s the elephant in your house? It could very well be your need for replacement windows in Auburn, CA.


Everyone’s Discomfort

If your windows are old enough, they likely aren’t keeping the people in your house very comfortable. That can be very hard on everyone. Your kids might complain more than you do, but you feel it, too. You know there’s a chill in the air on cold days and stuffiness in every room on warm days. You might not want to talk about it (like the elephant!) because, really, what good does talking about it do? Instead of keeping your feelings in, discuss it with your family and see if you can do something about the discomforts through replacement windows.

Unaffordable Energy Bills

If you just ignore the energy bills, they’ll go away, right? They won’t still be on the kitchen table when you get home from work—you can hope. That’s like trying to get rid of a giant elephant with no help from a zookeeper. IT’s just not going to happen. If you have large energy bills and it’s getting harder and harder to fit them into your monthly budget, that’s definitely something you need to discuss with your partner. Once the struggle is out in the open, perhaps you will both come to the same conclusion—that replacement windows are necessary.

Unappealing Curb Appeal

Everyone sees it. Everyone knows your house is nothing special to look at. Talking about it won’t help, will it? Well, just talk won’t help, but if that talk leads to action, it could very well help. If you talk about how much you dislike that sagging look your home has, your family might come around to the idea of replacement windows to give the house a new, fresh look all the way around—even inside.

Elephants don’t just waltz into rooms and sit down, waiting for someone to talk about them. But your home probably has a figurative elephant in the room at all times if you really need replacement windows in Auburn, CA and are suffering from the impact of not having them. When you’re ready to discuss your options, and bring that elephant into the conversation, contact the pros at California Craftsman by calling (530) 887-1857. We’re here to help with anything window-related…but nothing elephant-related! You can visit our showroom to ask questions or get ideas at 4035 Grass Valley Hwy Ste G Auburn, CA 95602 and we’ll give you advice based on your preferences, budget, and lots of other details for your exact project needs.