While you might know that any replacement windows in Truckee, CA are going to be more efficient than what you have on your home now, there are variations in that efficiency. Standard energy efficiency on new windows is very good, but it can be made better with certain upgrades. If you are looking for new windows and you want something energy efficient for your home, you need to know what impacts the energy efficiency on the windows in the first place. Here are a few elements to pay special attention to as you move forward with the process:
The Material
The material on the windows will make a huge difference energy efficiency-wise, especially as the years go by. Wood is a highly insulating material, but that quality can go away as the years pass if the wood is not properly maintained or runs into any other issues. Vinyl, on the other hand, is also highly insulating and those properties don’t fall in future years. Vinyl doesn’t take any maintenance and it can still insulate your home and maintain energy efficiency years from now. There are other materials to consider, as well, but vinyl is the most popular options today.
The Glass Pack
The glass you put into the window, of course, is going to have a huge impact on energy efficiency. Single pane glass, unfortunately, doesn’t do much. However, standard replacement windows come with double pane glass as a standard today. You can upgrade that to triple pane for further efficiency, if you’d like, as well. The glass pack can also come with inert gas fillings instead of air between the panes. You can even add low-E coatings, one of the most popular upgrades, which reflects heat and blocks UV rays. The glass pack you choose can have a huge impact on your home’s efficiency and what the replacement windows can do for you.
Your Circumstances/Environment
Another thing that impact efficiency is your home’s setting and situation. If you sit in the full sun, having low-E coatings on the glass is going to help your efficiency more than anything else. If you sit on top of a hill where the wind never stops blowing, you might need triple pane glass to hold up against leaks in the future. What your home needs is unique and you need to take those needs into consideration as you move forward with new windows.
When you need replacement windows in Truckee, CA, you probably also need expert advice to get the energy efficiency you want for your home at a price you can afford. Contact the professionals at California Craftsman by calling (530) 887-1857 with your questions about efficiency or to set up a free consultation. We can help you with the process from start to finish. You can also explore our showroom to look over colors, styles, and other options to figure out your preferences. We’re located at 4035 Grass Valley Hwy Ste G Auburn, CA 95602 and we’re here to show you around whenever you want.